Protects against potential risks associated with the handling, transportation, treatment and disposal of medical waste. Medical waste is any kind of waste that contains infectious material or material that is potentially infectious. We know medical facilities like yours need anywhere from 4-13 pickups a year and typically generate various types of waste.
Medical Waste Consulting
Medical Waste Disposal Service
Biohazard Transportation
Sharps Disposal
Pick-up Service
Medical Waste Compliance
Mail back Program
Medical Waste Products
Document Shredding
Comprehensive Compliance Training & Consulting
Common types of waste we dispose of include:
needles/syringes, capillary tubes, blood vials, etc.
Regulated Medical Waste
Bandages, dressings, swabs, gloves, etc.
Infectious Waste
Anything infectious or potentially infectious goes in this category, including swabs, tissues, excreta, equipment, and lab cultures.
Pharmaceutical Waste
including hazardous,non-hazardous and controlled
human fluids, tissues, blood, body parts, bodily fluids, and contaminated animal carcasses come under this waste category
Trace Chemotherapy
These are disinfectants, solvents used for laboratory purposes, batteries, and heavy metals from medical equipment such as mercury from broken thermometers.
Genotoxic Waste
This is a highly hazardous form of medical waste that’s either carcinogenic, teratogenic, or mutagenic. It can include cytotoxic drugs intended for use in cancer treatment.